
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

October 25 - October 31, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm responses: 10
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 233
Community assistance responses: 2
Escorts: 7
Foot patrols: 365
Held door checks: 17
Medical assistance responses: 2
Noise complaint responses: 2
Suspicious circumstance responses: 7
Unlocks: 98
Vehicle patrols: 221
Vehicle assistance responses: 2


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210456
Date: 2021 10 25
Time: 1021
Description: Damage to Property
Location: East Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol witnessed a tree fall onto a vehicle park in the East Lot. The tree did minor damage to the vehicle. The vehicle was not registered with Community Safety, so the CSO left contact information on the vehicle so the owner could contact Community Safety for the report. 


Case #: 210457
Date: 2021 10 26
Time: 1851
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Campus

Notes: The owner of a red Diamondback Redcoat bicycle contacted Dispatch to ask that CSOs keep an eye out for the bike, which they believed had been stolen.


Case #: 210458
Date: 2021 10 25
Time: 1155
Description: Sex Offense - Rape/Clery Act Reportable Incident
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: Community Safety received a de-identified report of sexual assault from the HCC. 


Case #: 210459
Date: 2021 10 28
Time: 1532
Description: Theft From Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: CSOs responded to a theft report. The CSOs met with a student in the West Lot where the student had parked their vehicle the day before. The student reported that when they started their vehicle they discovered that their catalytic converter had been removed. 


Case #: 210460
Date: 2021 10 28
Time: 1540
Description: Graffiti
Location: Eliot

Notes: A Reed staff member reported offensive graffiti targeting a specific Community Safety person. The graffiti called for the CS person to be hung and pictured a hanging figure. Additional graffiti read “CSO = KKK they target poc, they target students, they target weed smokers, they are NOT your friends!” The graffiti was documented, and Facilities was contacted for removal.


Case #: 210461
Date: 2021 10 28
Time: 1712
Description: Theft - Bike
Location: Naito Hall

Notes: A student arrived at 28 West to request the assistance of a CSO in retrieving their bike from the Naito bike storage. When the student and CSO arrived at the storage room, the bike lock was present but the bike was missing. The student stated that they had not moved the bike. The bike is blue and black. The student was unable to recall the brand of the bike.


Case #: 210462
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 0942
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances
Location: Northwest Quadrant

Notes: A parent reported that the houseless camp next to the daycare had acquired a fire pit, and several fuel cans. The campers were cautioned that starting fires on the sidewalk would result in 911 being called, and fires being extinguished.


Case #: 210463
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 1425
Description: Theft- bike
Location: RCAs

Notes: A student secured their bicycle to the east bike rack at the RCAs on the evening of 10/28, and when they returned at 1410 hours the next day, they found it missing.


Case #: 210464
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 1632
Description: Hazmat Condition
Location: 28 West

Notes: An abusive note professing to contain COVID-19 contaminated feces was left for CSOs on the delivery table outside 28 West.


Case #: 210465
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 1957
Description: Medical Assist- Other
Location: Trillium

Notes: A student was feeling ill. CSOs helped the student arrange for a cab to a medical facility for appropriate care.


Case #: 210466
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 2047
Description: Fire
Location: Growing Seeds

Notes: A fire was started near the Growing Seeds daycare. 911 was called, and the fire was extinguished.


Case #: 210467
Date: 2021 10 29
Time: 2330
Description: Noise Complaint
Location: Birchwood Apartments

Notes: CSOs received a noise complaint from the Birchwoods. As CSOs responded, they observed several people on a balcony smoking with loud music playing. When the people on the balcony saw the CSOs, they immediately went indoors and turned off the music. CSOs knocked on the door but the students inside did not answer. A report was forwarded to Residence Life.


Case #: 210468
Date: 2021 10 30
Time: 0457
Description: Unattended Alcohol
Location: Quad

Notes: 6 full kegs were found unattended in the Quad. CSOs worked with Building Services to secure them where individuals under the age of 21 would not be able to access them.


Case #: 210469
Date: 2021 10 30
Time: 1158
Description: Theft of Motor Vehicle
Location: RCA Lot

Notes: The car belonging to a guest was stolen from the RCA parking lot.


Case #: 210470
Date: 2021 10 31
Time: 0033
Description: Medical Transport- Alcohol
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A student who had been drinking reported believing their drink had been tampered with. The student was transported by ambulance to a medical facility for appropriate care.


Case #: 210471
Date: 2021 10 31
Time: 1623
Description: Sexual Harassment
Location: 28 West

Notes: A student came to 28 West to make a report of sexual harassment.


Case #: 210472
Date: 2021 10 31
Time: 1833
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: North Parking Lot

Notes: A student reported the catalytic converter having been stolen from their car.


Case #: 210473
Date: 2021 10 31
Time: 1853
Description: Medical Assist- Other
Location: PAB

Notes: A student became ill. CSOs responded and helped the student contact the after hours advice nurse.