
Community Safety

Division of Student Life

Community Safety Blotter & Activity 

(To view other weekly Blotters and CS activity go here.) 

November 15 - November 21, 2021

Weekly Activity:

Alarm checks: 15
Animal issue responses: 1
AOD interactions: 1
Building patrols: 219
Community assistance responses: 3
Escorts: 5
Fire responses: 2 
Foot patrols: 413
Held door checks: 24
Medical assistance responses: 4
Noise complaint responses: 1
Suspicious circumstance responses: 19
Unlocks: 75
Vehicle patrols: 301
Vehicle assistance responses: 2


Weekly Reports:


Case #: 210489
Date: 2021 11 15
Time: 1037
Description: Theft - Other
Location: West Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a theft in the West Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a Reed Grounds staff member and a student worker employed with Grounds. The student worker reported that they had been raking leaves into the Grounds cart when a silver Mercedes pulled up nearby. An individual wearing a ski mask quickly jumped out of the vehicle and grabbed a leaf blower off of the Grounds cart then jumped back into the Mercedes which then sped away. No other information was available. The CSO suggested the student reach out to a counselor if need be as it appeared to the CSO that the occurrence had shaken up the student. The student stated that they were fine but appreciated the suggestion. The CSO reminded both Grounds staff members that the most important thing to remember is to keep themselves safe.


Case #: 210490
Date: 2021 11 16
Time: 1839
Description: Maintenance Issue
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for assistance regarding a maintenance issue. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who reported that a propane canister in use for an event was leaking after having been tightly closed. The CSO observed that the canister was visibly covered in frost. The student explained that the tool used to depressurize the canister did not work correctly and instead caused the leak. The student also reported that they had received a minor cold burn from handling the canister but did not feel it required medical attention. The CSO contacted Facilities for disposal of the tank and remained on scene to ensure nobody neared the canister until it was removed.


Case #: 210491
Date: 2021 11 17
Time: 1137
Description: Theft from Vehicle
Location: West Lot

Notes: A student reported to CS that on 11/7/21 the catalytic converter had been stolen from their vehicle while it was parked in the West Lot. The CSO taking the report advised the student to also file a police report.


Case #: 210492
Date: 2021 11 17
Time: 1530
Description: Animal Issue
Location: Grove Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a small off-leash dog aggressively biting at people in the Grove Lot. The CSO met with a student in the Grove Lot who reported that the dog was owned by a fellow student who had stopped into Commons and asked them to watch the dog. The dog was unleashed and once the owner went inside the building, the dog ran away toward the Grove Lot. The student stated that before the CSO’s arrival, they had managed to corral the dog in a community member’s vehicle. As the student was discussing the situation with the CSO, they saw the dog’s owner arrive. The dog’s owner apologized for the situation and explained that they had lost their dog’s leash but would be buying one as soon as possible. The CSO and owner, with their dog, walked to 28 West where the CSO made an ad hoc leash for the dog owner. The CSO offered to purchase a leash for the student from the Reed bookstore but the student politely declined. The CSO reminded the student that aside from the two off-leash areas on campus the dog needed to be leashed at all times when outside of the student’s residence.  


Case #: 210493
Date: 2021 11 17
Time: 1623
Description: Sex Offense - Fondling/Clery Act Reportable Incident
Location: Campus - Residence hall or apartment

Notes: An anonymous report of sexual assault was received through the online reporting system. No other information is available at this time.


Case #: 210494
Date: 2021 11 17
Time: 2054
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: CSOs responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. There they met with two students, one of whom was experiencing medical distress. After assessing the student, the CSOs determined that the student should be evaluated by a medical professional. The CSOs escorted the student and an accompanying friend to 28 West where Dispatch arranged for a cab to transport the students to a nearby medical facility.


Case #: 210495
Date: 2021 11 18
Time: 0034
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: Trillium

Notes: CSOs responded to a report of the odor of cannabis in Trillium residence hall. The CSOs arrived on the second floor, the reported location of the odor, and noted that the odor was prolific throughout the entire south wing. The CSOs were unable to locate the exact source of the odor. 


Case #: 210496
Date: 2021 11 18
Time: 1642
Description: Evidence of Drug Use
Location: MacNaughton

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of the odor of cannabis on the first floor of MacNaughton residence hall. Upon arrival, the CSO noted a strong odor of incense but they did not detect the odor of cannabis, and they were unable to determine the source of the incense odor. Approximately 30 minutes later, the CSO returned to MacNaughton to meet with the reporting party, at the reporting party’s request. The reporting party stipulated which area they believed the cannabis odor had originated from, but the CSO did not note any odor other than the lingering odor of incense. The CSO made contact with the resident of the room that was possibly the source of the cannabis odor the reporting party had smelled, but the resident was unaware of any cannabis use in the area. 


Case #: 210497
Date: 2021 11 18
Time: 2037
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance in a residence hall. There, the CSO met with the reporting party who had received an injury which required first aid assistance. The CSO applied first aid and recommended the student, should they have any follow up questions, have the injury evaluated at the HCC during business hours. The CSO left additional first aid supplies with the student and cleared from the call. 


Case #: 210498
Date: 2021 11 19
Time: 0833
Description: Damage to Property
Location: North Lot

Notes: A CSO responded to a report of a vehicle break-in in the Upper North Lot. Upon arrival, the CSO observed that the rear window of a Toyota SUV had been shattered. The CSO noted that belongings were strewn throughout the back of the vehicle. The CSO was unable to determine if any belongings were missing and, as of yet, the vehicle owner has not been identified.


Case #: 210499 - VOID


Case #: 210500
Date: 2021 11 20
Time: 0057
Description: Alcohol Violation
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO on patrol of the GCC overheard the question, “Who wants gin and who wants tequila?” shouted from a student at a table near the lower level elevator entrance. The CSO had observed earlier in their patrols that the students seated at that table had been serving soda. The CSO approached the table and noted that the soda bottles no longer contained soda, but rather alcohol. Because the alcohol was being distributed, the CSO requested age verifications from those nearby partaking in the beverages. One of the students serving the alcohol and two who had received it were found to be under the legal drinking age. The CSO confiscated the remaining alcohol and disposed of it then continued on their patrol.


Case #: 210501
Date: 2021 11 20
Time: 0205
Description: Graffiti
Location: Physical Plant

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered new graffiti written on the northeast exterior side of the Physical Plant. Building Services has been contacted for clean up.


Case #: 210502
Date: 2021 11 20
Time: 0543
Description: Trespass
Location: GCC

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered a known excluded individual sleeping on the sofa in the lower level of the GCC. The CSO woke the individual, who claimed to be a Reed student. The CSO reminded the individual of their prior encounters and notified the individual that they needed to gather their belongings and leave campus. The individual was then escorted off of campus.


Case #: 210503
Date: 2021 11 21
Time: 0629
Description: Suspicious Person/Activity/Circumstances, Damage to Property
Location: Grove Lot

Notes: A CSO on patrol encountered an improperly parked vehicle in the Grove Lot. The vehicle was parked in such a way that it was blocking in a vehicle in a designated parking space. There was an individual at the passenger side of the blocked vehicle and another standing at the rear of the vehicle with the hatch up. When the individuals saw the CSO approaching they abandoned their activities and reentered the improperly parked vehicle, quickly exiting the parking lot. The CSO then approached the remaining vehicle and observed that the steering column had been destroyed and that there was drug paraphernalia inside the vehicle. Dispatch contacted the Portland Police Bureau for further follow up.


Case #: 210504
Date: 2021 11 21
Time: 1305
Description: Theft from Structure
Location: HCC

Notes: A CSO on break was walking past the COVID-19 overflow tent outside of the HCC when they noticed that the black power inverter, normally bolted to the asphalt, was missing. It was unknown at the time of the report whether or not the Reed Facilities team had removed the inverter. It was later confirmed as stolen by Facilities.


Case #: 210505
Date: 2021 11 21
Time: 1516
Description: Theft from Structure
Location: Student Center

Notes: A CSO responded to a theft report at the Student Center. Upon arrival, the CSO met with a student who reported that a speaker was missing from the building. The student had last seen the speaker the prior Sunday.


Case #: 210506
Date: 2021 11 21
Time: 1804
Description: Medical Assist - Other
Location: Residence Hall

Notes: A CSO responded to a request for medical assistance at a residence hall. The CSO met with a student who had a wound bandaged in gauze. The CSO received permission to assist the student with their injury and removed the gauze to inspect the wound. The student stated that they had been showing off a knife trick to their friends when they received the injury. The CSO rebandaged the student and suggested they have the wound inspected at the HCC if the student felt it was necessary. The student determined that no further medical care was needed and thanked the CSO for their assistance. The CSO provided the student with a pink card containing emergency numbers in case the student should need to follow up further.